Sunday, March 29, 2009

A New Wisdom in Aging

We have no way of predicting who we are or what we will be or who we will be? The result of aging is getting in know. Finding yourself suddenly beyond what you thought was old, you seem to look for who you are really? So at this time I have made a conscious effort to have reasons or stories behind what I write. I will start another blog with titles and stories behind what I write. Much like the excerpts I have about pictures or drawings. Although mainly for my mind and desires I would like to have record of who I was at the time I wrote what.
Reflection is a direct result of aging. So I will write those reflections on a blog called "A Living Elegy" although not an exact blog of the phrasing I want to have it all down. Not that I have started writing them down, but I have started the catalog and dialog in my mind's eye.

Your mind's eye is another result of aging. An accurate awareness of who you have been and who you wanted to be and the reality of who you might be at that moment. Knowing is another result of aging and wanting to share those result with others. The restraint required to not "Know it All" is sometimes is lacking in many of the aging. It is with such fervor that the aged want others to succeed and not deal with the same errors in judgements and or unsuccessful matters along the way. Those are the people I want to keep meeting.

In youth we tend to "Know It All" and aging is a place in wisdom where you don't say much unless you think it is an emergency. The wisdom in that is that you know most "youth", whatever and wherever that is, have to decide for themselves what their options are and project their own future options. As long as everyone knows they have options in all circumstances.

Aging is knowing all your options in all circumstances and sharing them when asked. That is the wisdom of aging insight and tolerance. Oh and how to remember something write it down! And don't lose the paper! OMG!
Sharon Rose T. ©


Tumblewords: said...

Good post! The first sentence is perfect and the explanations which follow are truthful. Very nice.

Jennifer Hicks said...

I like this. Knowing, but not knowing, knowing when and how. great post!

jay said...

Ah, but first you have to remember to write it down long enough to do so! LOL!

And definitely don't lose the paper!

Tammy Brierly said...

Where did I put that pen. lol Well done!